
  • Kelvini Makala posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    My name is Kelvini from Tanzania 🇹🇿 country I AM A TOUR GUIDE IN TOURISM SECTOR WELCOME TANZANIA 🇹🇿 FOR TOURISM ENJOYMENT ADVENTURE WELCOME to visit in our national Parks by seeing our attractions like mountain Kilimanjaro, animals like black rhino , elephant giraffes zebra cheetah antelopes and so on I am a safari guide,I am a Tour guide welcome to visit in Tanzania 🇹🇿 country is a third country to have many attractions and you will see BLACK RHINO in Mkomazi national Park home of black rhino welcome. My WhatsApp number +255788810113. TOUR GUIDE in Tanzania 🇹🇿 country I will guide you to enjoy your Safari of holidays Nice to meet you here my email is kelvinimakala433@prettymariam700gmail-com

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