
  • Janet changed their profile picture 1 year, 6 months ago

    • Profile picture of Henderson Anthony
      hello beautiful i would like us to be friends
      please me om google chat hendersonanthony22@prettymariam700gmail-com
        • Profile picture of Issabella
          Hi am issabella Addison please can we chat on google chat; Thanks
          • Profile picture of Paul Sabinna
            Hello dear,

            Greetings to you and how are you doing today, we hope that this email find you well, we want to use to this media to introduce to you our NGO foundation (PAULSABINNA FOUNDATION FOR THE NEEDY) and at the same time seeking for your assistance to support us in helping the needy.



            Paul sabinna foundation for the needy.Address. Naze industrial clusters behind human race specialist hospital naze/ nekede road Owerri – North L.G.A. Phone number ?/ whatapp +2349136849632 . Email: Send an email to Email: Send an email to

          • Profile picture of Logan Ariden
            Hello dear how are you doing today
              • Profile picture of Elizabeth
                I’m Elizabeth, I am not a paid member here and am new to all this online dating stuff but if you’re interested in me you can contact me, I would like us to find some app and go there, Hope to hear from you soon.
              • Profile picture of Paul William
                Hello! I’m sorry to write on your timeline, but I have to tell you the truth. You always share good messages. I was touched to see the wonderful messages and beautiful photos. I will be very happy if you become my friend. or send me a friendly friend request. Thank you

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