
  • Johny's profile was updated 9 months, 1 week ago

    • Profile picture of Vida White
      Nice profile
      • Profile picture of lauren31
        My name is Lauren Yong I just want to know if we can be friends, here is my email: ( more about me and also send you my pictures.I don’t always come online
        • Profile picture of Marycann
          Hello handsome
          Hi , I’m glad we finally meet each other online and thank God that sent you to me ….I’m so lucky to have find
          you online … 1, What is the status of your marriage and how many kids do you have? I’ve been widowed since
          6yrs and i have one daughter she’s 12year old her name is Jane…. 2, What are you doing for a living? I’m Self
          Employed Construction/Electrical Engineer studied the course Construction Engineer with a Master Degree currently into sales of used and new machines to less privileged countries, 3, Do you exercise regularly? I wish. Don’t have time. 4, Are you considerate and thoughtful of others? Very much so. 5, Do you treat others as you would like to be treated? for me its Absolutely. 6, How often do you lose your temper? for me Not very often; rarely.
          • Profile picture of Marycann
            Handsome this my
            • Profile picture of suzy
              suzy replied 9 months ago

              Hi, Please contact me via Email ID. I have Something very important to discuss with you, for more Information and details. E-mail:(
              • Profile picture of joy
                joy replied 8 months ago
                Hello dear, my name is Joy and I am easy going and will love to meet someone that we can share our feeling together and moving on from there, you can write me in my email id ( I hope to hear from you
                • Profile picture of zahrabashir
                  My name is zahra, I am from Syria I have something very important,to share with you i am so busy please kindly contact me on my private email address for more details:

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