
  • Stefano's profile was updated 2 years, 8 months ago

    • Profile picture of atrayo
      Hello , I come from Dubai United Arab Emirates,l have something important to discuss with you immediately you contact me back
      • Profile picture of Roisin
        Hi, Happy New Year. I’m Roisin, From the U.S, I saw your profile and picked up interest. I have something very important to discuss with you. I don’t normally use this site, so please get back to me directly by email ( I’m looking forward to your reply.
        • Profile picture of lucia
          Hi, happy to meet you…my private email ( )

          Am Miss Lucia Mabiza, I will so much appreciate you to write me to my private email ( ) for i have something very important to talk with you…kindly reply me to my private email ( )

          • Profile picture of JASMINE

            Hello dear,
            my Name is Jasmine
            How do you do over there? am single searching for love will led to marriage  Pls contact me…… am waiting to hear from you


            • Profile picture of Cindy Alexandra
              ( )
              Greetings My Dear
              My name is Mrs 
              Cendy Alexandra I sew your profile
              and I became so interested to know more about you 
              Please i will like you to contact me direct to my email
              address ( ) I have something very important to discuss
              with you and it might interest you,
              Thank you as am waiting for your reply.
              • Profile picture of lovesweetmail111111
                Hello am Penena Bardot am almost to 30 years my email address is and am using google chat you can add me and text me in there now am looking for a man who ages is about 30years and above by the way pleasure to meet you here??

              New Report
