
  • PeggyGee's profile was updated 3 years, 3 months ago

    • Profile picture of Cindy Alexandra
      ( )
      Greetings My Dear
      My name is Mrs 
      Cendy Alexandra I sew your profile
      and I became so interested to know more about you 
      Please i will like you to contact me direct to my email
      address ( )
      I have something very important to discuss
      with you and it might interest you,
      Thank you as am waiting for your reply.
      • Profile picture of poundsj15
        People say a picture can say a thousand words. If 5 seconds of smile can make a photograph more beautiful??. Then just imagine if you keep always smiling how beautiful your life will be??. So keep smiling! Honestly, I love your posts so much and I always enjoy going through them in my lonely free time. I hope my simple hi will make you smile?? and your simple hello can make us friends? I know you don’t know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger. Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have known them all our lives. I would genuinely like us to be friends. I hope to hear from you soon, text me on email text,

      New Report
